The New Romantics and The Five Non Negotiables


The New Romantics Opener


Oh, Spring! Flowers, blossoms and the perfumed breeze (or gale-force winds) accompanying them have arrived.

The sweet and simple romance of life feels possible again at this glorious time of year. Everything opens up a little, be it a coat, window or one's heart.

The number one rule of romance? It shouldn't be contrived. In-the-moment declarations of love and unexpected beauty are the ones that truly get souls swooning and hearts a-flutter.

But...spontaneity always benefits from a teensy little pre-planning. Case in point- You'll need a pen to write that poem, a mountain top if you wish for a sweeping view, and (unfortunately) oysters don't shuck themselves.

When creating a romantic garden, a little forethought is also required. For a start, you're going to need a few hundred of your favourite flowers, at the absolute bare minimum, because romance is the ultimate luxury and in this case, more is more. So, can you have too many flowers in a garden? No.

Here are our TOP 5 non-negotiables for a dreamy, rambling, romantic garden full of whimsy, delight and a few carefully selected Terracotta Works products ;)

Page 2 Flowers


Millions of them. If you want the birds singing and the bees buzzing (also, butterflies, ladybirds, dragonflies and all manner of cute little beetles and bugs flittering around) flowers are your go-to. Bursting upwards from the earth, spilling out of trees and dusting the ground as far as the eye can see, flowers are number one on the list and in our hearts.

Flowers 2 Page 3

Lattice Tub Set, Here.

Path Page 4An Unexpected Journey

Adding a sense of mystery, a path beckons you to trust it and take a journey. It's incredibly exciting, no matter how short the walk to have a path to take.

Perch Page 5

A Place To Perch

And ponder. Stopping to smell the roses, enjoy the vista or meditate amongst the beauty are essential garden activities.

A specified, comfortable place to do these things is also necessary. Hammocks, swings, timber or stone benches are great options as is this beautiful steel bench.


Steel Bench, Here.

Surprise Page 6

A Surprise

Romance in and of itself has to be a total surprise! Revealed, it wouldn't be romantic, and that's what's so thrilling about it.

Placing a water fountain or garden statue in a small clearing is unexpected and whimsical.

Fountain Porto, Here.

Surprise 2 Page 7

Granite Lamp, Here. Smiling Buddha, Here.

Softness Page 8

A Sense of Softness

Herbaceous borders are the perfect way to create structured softness in a landscape.

Feathery grasses and shrubs fringe a garden path or lawn area, blurring the lines between each space and are another way to include further varieties of flora.

We also love the idea of the "secret" doorway, a mirror creates the same effect.

Chalet Mirror, Here.